Friday, April 13, 2007

Class Specific Quest...

I've tinkered with all the classes in the game, but this recent ordeal with my level 37 Human Warlock has reminded me how much I love the Mage class.

I'm not much of a quest guy to begin with; I've always been the type to grind XP from killing mobs, but I enjoy a good quest from time to time. I like that Blizzard added class specific quest for class defining abilities, such as Bear Form and Tame Pet; however, those quest pale in comparison to the travel involved in a Warlock's quest for their Felhunter.

It's roughly a 6-part chain quest that takes you through multiple zones across both continents. I don't mind a difficult quest, but traveling to BFE and back is not difficult, just time consuming.

Then there's quest like the Paladin & Warlock epic mount that involve multiple parts, expensive materials, and a dungeon crawl. I found those quest to be less time consuming, and more entertaining than the level 30 Warlock quest to receive their Felhunter pet.

This all brings me back to my original statement about the Mage being my favorite class; this is partly due to the only Mage quest I've done to receive an ability / spell is the Polymorph: Pig quest. This quest is completely optional, and does not change the mechanics behind the spell, but turning a person into a pig is more demoralizing than a sheep (unless you're on a farm, ouch).

All-in-all, I would like to see more class specific quest, but please for the love of no-mount-pre-40-blues, could they involve less travel!?

/rant off



Lamthara said...

I agree with you... there would be tons of things to do to make the class quests more fun.. what about...

a quest for the warlock to get a green felhunter?

a quest for the mage to get a chicken polymorph?

a quest for the priest to make your buff last a little bit longer?

a quest for the rogue for a longer duration of your poisons or a new animation when you cast vanish?

a quest for the druid for get a faster leopard/jaguard form...

...and so on... in my opinion i'd be such fun if every 10 levels the trainers would give you a quest for an important spell instead of just selling you everything.

Keystone said...

I agree with you, I would like more quest for fluff things such as the chicken polymorph you mentioned.

I think WoW needs more Fluff throughout, not just the quests. Where's the neon hair dye for humans?
...sorry that's the Ultima Online in me talking! ^^